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Old 03-27-2013, 07:14 PM   #50
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post


So your story is that Witness Lee sent Max out, then when Max did exactly what Witness Lee asked him to do, Witness Lee then fired Max.

All of that for some elaborate power play on Witness Lee's part.

That does not even make sense. That's no way to run a conspiracy!
You have conveniently forgot about how Max thought Lee was an honorable and righteous man who would obviously take the appropriate measures to deal with his own son and employee, who had regularly molested the volunteer help.

Max was never "fired" for doing what he was paid to do. He was not even fired for dividing churches. He was banished for exposing son of Lee as a profligate philanderer. That was the one unforgivable sin. Their biggest mistake was trusting Lee. They should have called the police.
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