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Old 03-27-2013, 04:07 PM   #49
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

"Max was sent out to shake things up, which really means to undermine the regional and local authorities over the saints. He was only doing what Lee charged him to do..."


So your story is that Witness Lee sent Max out, then when Max did exactly what Witness Lee asked him to do, Witness Lee then fired Max.

All of that for some elaborate power play on Witness Lee's part.

That does not even make sense. That's no way to run a conspiracy!

Max got reeled in for the very things you described he did in the mid-west and in New England and wherever he went. Perhaps because you were a young person "in awe" at Max's ability to "sniff" things out and caught up in the magic of the moment then you might have missed the extreme concern Witness Lee, the co-workers, and churches in many places had about his goings-on once the feedback started coming in.

Far from the massive conspiracy you describe the reality is very simple and not at all complicated. Witness Lee trusted Max as a valued co-worker and was let down, disappointed, and had to make a tough decision.
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