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Old 03-27-2013, 03:39 PM   #48
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I guess I have become a little too predictable. But let's spin that as "consistent."

Max was sent out to shake things up, which really means to undermine the regional and local authorities over the saints. He was only doing what Lee charged him to do, sending the young people to the campuses, and firing the elders who got in his way. So we have to ask what right does WL have to tell all the members of the body what to do? When all those young people rose up in defiance of their elders, they were clamoring for the elders to allow them to carry out Lee's burden, not Max's. Max was simply an intermediary, all his authority came from Lee.

Why does Lee never take responsibility for any of his failures and wrongdoings? He blamed it all on Max. Max took the hit for both of them, and he was shown the door, his reputation forever disgraced. Lee lived another day, his pristine image once again intact.

But let's not forget what was really going on behind the scenes at LSM. Philip Lee, the office manager, was molesting every pretty sister in sight, and when Max confronted him about it, he surely thought that WL would take a stand for righteousness. Boy was he wrong. Lee used the Chinese tradition of payback by shaming his opponent's wife, and thus Sandee Rapoport was ostracized in Anaheim before the church for some supposed "sisters' rebellion."

To display his hypocrisy in full sight, Lee proclaimed that all the members should have acted like cops to stand up to Max. Actually the only brother in the whole sordid affair who acted like a cop was Max, when he tried to protect the sisters by standing up to Philip Lee, daddy's little playboy.
So in brief, the way in which Max was fired was despicable since he was essentially following orders. Firing Max was not so much the issue but the way in which it was done. Second, because Max confronted PL it creates the issue of whether WL merely stabbed Max in the back to cover the sins of his family. Third, why was PL so critical to LSM that WL engineered the Sister's rebellion, Max fiasco and preferred JI etal to leave rather than deal with? Is there some other sin that PL was covering, perhaps with regards to Daystar?

So then, what was the right thing to do?

1. Remove PL. Obviously.
2. Stop trying to subvert the elders in the local churches.
3. Stop maligning innocent sisters, accusing them falsely of being in some kind of rebellion.
4. Repay any money owed the saints from Daystar

In short to "walk worthy of the calling with which we have been called" Eph 4:1
"With lowliness, and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love" Eph 4:2
"Endeavoring to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace" Eph 4:3
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