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Old 03-27-2013, 12:41 PM   #345
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Midwest bro View Post
Ohio, thanks very much for the info. It was definitely helpful. I wasn't aware that there had been so much financial support years ago to TC's work, or that it had run dry.

By the way, I also posted #331 above and forgot to sign my "name."

One more question out of curiosity: Are the Cleveland saints able to interact with the LSM-affiliated saints, or do they avoid each other? (I don't mean the leaders, I just mean the "regular" saints.)
It depends. There are some brothers who just couldn't talk to each other because it got so acrimonious. I pray they could get past that.

Some families have members which are pro-LSM, pro-TC, and pro-Christ, with these ones no longer wishing to associate with either with either TC or the Blendeds. My family is like this. And some of the ones who have nothing to do with TC or the Blendeds have branched out into Pentecostal style meetings. It's like we are scattered to the wind, but it's wonderful. We are of Christ, and not "of men." We are one in Spirit. It may not look as homogenous as it once was, with get-togethers at the trainings and conferences, but the recent quarantine and subsequent lawsuits served to expose lots of false things about the Recovery.

Many of the family connections have actually prevented more animosity. It's hard to "hate those guys" when one of them is your daughter or your Dad or your wife. I do know that some of the initial breeches have been mended by love. Everyone got tested here. Ones like John Myer got manifested as being the most mature, since their reactions most closely resembled Christ.
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