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Old 03-27-2013, 11:24 AM   #43
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
So then WL and the Blendeds use a phrase that is fair and reasonable and create a meaning that is rejected and false. It is as though they have disguised a false teaching in robes of light. Quite artful.
This becomes more than obvious when they infer that they alone can know the "taste of the body, the feeling of the body, and the sense of the body."

Let me be painfully honest here. This whole line of teaching was developed in the Recovery due to rivalry and selfish ambition for power and glory.

Let me give an example. I heard this testimony back in the late 70's when WL sent out Max to shake up the TC-led Midwest. One of the SoCal young people who was part of Max's entourage to bring us "brother Lee's burden," gave this testimony. "I was traveling across the country enjoying the Lord, until I came to Ohio, and then something started to stink." This was offered as added proof in the meeting that we were not "in the flow," and had somehow deviated from WL's leading because of TC.

At the time I heard this I was in awe that such a person had such a keen nose, and wondered what in the world we were doing that was so wrong. Besides the obvious hilarity of this testimony, we now must consider what was happening behind the scenes in SoCal to cause this novice to travel across the country and make such an outrageous claim. Were all their young people infected with these ugly seeds of suspicion? They obviously came to the midwest to sow these same seeds of discord into all the young people here. And it worked! We had some horribly chaotic and antagonistic meetings as a result. The Bible says, "mark them which make divisions."

What was the source of evil there? Was it simply misunderstandings? You know, "everyone is entitled to mistakes." Absolutely not! The root of the problem was rivalry and selfish ambitions between the workers in the Recovery. That was the source of the teachings which developed into these extraordinary manipulations we now know as "the feeling of the body, the sense of the body, and the taste of the body," which were all built upon their misunderstanding of the "oneness of the body."
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