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Old 03-27-2013, 10:17 AM   #39
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The ground on which the church should be built

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Ohio did not deny there was one Body. He denied that "oneness with the Body" was a proper directive. This was my earlier point as well. Oneness with the Body implies you need to always conform to the group at any cost. It also suggests that conforming to the group is the same as conforming to the Lord. It isn't. But this is how the LRC interpreted it.

Accepting there is only one Body is actually liberating, because it establishes that the directives of any subset of the Body (e.g. the LRC) cannot be absolutely binding, because they cannot claim to be the whole Body that presumably (on their part) you need to be one with.
There is no NT teaching that would suggest that "being one with the Body" trumps heeding your conscience or the Lord's speaking to you or the Lord's word.

On the contrary you cannot "be one with the Body" if you are not "abiding in Christ". If the Blendeds or anyone else taught such a thing it is akin to usurping the headship of Christ. It seems the judgment day just gets better and better.
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