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Old 03-27-2013, 05:40 AM   #33
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: November 10, 2012

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Please elaborate? My post or Ron's message?
"I will not be specific. Only the Lord knows how deepened the wound. In this part of the earth, inflicted by the enemy to a gifted person, who had a kind of ministry, but not for the building up of the Body."


"What was the issue? How much building was the issue of that? What is the outcome? Even this event should be a learning to us. In our being we have the same germ."


"We need the Lord's mercy. Anyone who serves the Lord as a gift has to pass through radical purification. You're not for yourself! You're not to get a following! You're not for your own thing! You're for God's goal and you're for the saints!"

Judgmental. When he says "we need the Lord's mercy" this is not in reference to his personal testimony but in relation to his judgement of someone else. It is repulsive. He implies that he was not purified by the Lord's blood, hence the "need". He is accusing him of getting a following, doing his own thing, not being for God's goal, and not being for the saints.

"And you're to impart what's been wrought in you into them and then just be the same. And we all do the work of the ministry. I believe this will be the way to totally nullify everything the enemy did historically in this part of the earth. Is not only the the situation is resolved outwardly. Is that we're back on track. We're back on track. This is never going to happen among us again!

Judgmental, repulsive, heinous.

We know the difference now between someone getting a following and someone burdened for the Body.

Judgmental. Despicable. Are we talking about Hitler? How long has he been dead?

"We can tell the difference. We're not naive children any longer. Lord, we want to contribute to this in the time left. We want to contribute directly to the work of the ministry. So any activity that is not for the building up of the Body of Christ is a work of division. You can have a radio program. You can have a newspaper. You can have Bible studies in your big house. Lots of activity. People are drawn. People are helped temporarily, but it is not for the building up of the Body of Christ. After exercising long forbearance, Brother Lee publicly renedered his view of this situation. He said the brother asked me to speak concerning his work and Brother Lee said it is a division. The ministry as only one goal to build up the Body of Christ."

Judgmental. What is very clear to me is that when we all do appear before the Lord's judgment there are going to be fireworks over this. One way or the other someone has called down judgment on themselves. This is one of those times I am glad to be merely a spectator.
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