I believe a lot of the posters in this thread had totally misunderstood "The Economy of God" that is being taught in the local church. In order to make it simple for all of us to study and understand, I believe posting the following schematic diagram in this regard is much profitable before we continue our discussion.
Sorry, it seems I can't upload the schematic diagram...
Perhaps, we can review the following statements how "The Economy of God" holds in the Word of God:
- Writing to the Ephesians, Paul speaks of "the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ" as a comprehensive way of speaking of the whole endeavor of God with mankind in time.
- The divine economy is the account of Christ in His move in and with mankind. Everything that occurs in God's economy occurs as an action by Christ or as an experience that Christ undergoes. All of God's economy is centered on Christ, and apart from Christ there is no economy of God.
- Redemption is a necessary item in the divine economy, and we can never underestimate its value; but redemption is only the base for the greater issue of Christ's death, which is the release of His divine life for the full and organic salvation of those who believe in Him.
- In the physical realm, His body lay quietly in the sealed tomb, and the old creation, it seemed, rested in sabbath; but in the divine and mystical realm, God's economy moved onward, and Christ in Hades rejoiced in His coming resurrection, victoriously declaring the triumphs wrought by His death.
- Through resurrection Christ has become the life-giving Spirit, not in the sense that He ceases to be the Son or in the sense that He ceases to be distinct from the Spirit, but in the sense that what He was before His death and resurrection is now borne and communicated through the Spirit.
- Christ's judicial redemption serves as a base for the organic salvation that He is now carrying out among His believers. It is the organic salvation that ultimately completes and fulfills the divine economy, for this aspect of God's salvation, which operates throught he dispensing of the divine life into the believers, transforms God's elect into His corporate expression for eternity.
- God's marvelous economy operates upon persons who have not yet fully arrived, and hence, there has been, since its inception, the element of the old creation in the church. Because of this, the church has suffered decline, degradation, and even devastation throughout the centuries.
- Because of the degradation that has set in, Christ has intensified His ministry as the Spirit. In this last stage of intensification, He produces the overcomers who rise up to build up His Body for the accomplishment of the divine economy.
- God's economy is fully the history of Christ in His relationship with humankind. As the embodiment of the Triune God, He brings divinity into humanity and ultimately uplifts humanity into the divine realm. This He does through the dispensing of Himself as life into the believers, which life regnerates, transforms, and glorifies them.
Please let us know which item above you do not agree with The Economy of God and specify your reason with supporting Scriptures.