Originally Posted by Unregistered
Losing them to who? Has he ever considered the possibility that oneness is of the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom? Could it be that the people who leave are following Christ, and experiencing freedom from the bondage of a false doctrine?
I realize you know the answers, Ohio, but I just don't understand why all the recent turmoils and conflicts haven't completely exposed the deception of the "local ground" teaching to the Cleveland saints. Jesus said, "You shall know a tree by its fruit." What's the fruit of the local church as practiced by both Anaheim and Cleveland? Lawsuits, excommunications, spiritual abuse, and damaged members.
If the "local ground" is true, and the Cleveland elders want to speak it to the saints, what do they believe about all those LSM churches? Are they no longer on the ground? Are only the Midwest churches and those affiliated with TC on the proper ground? If they believe that, it's a repetition of the same divisive and sectarian spirit.
Thanks for listening to me vent.
I'm hoping my old friend
Cassidy will also listen to you "vent."
I have found that most of us "old-timers" are just unwilling or unable to objectively reconsider some of these things we still hold sacred. Unfortunately LC leaders like Lee and Chu were able to convince us that they and their ministry were the source of the blessings of God which we abundantly enjoyed in our youth. Instead of boasting in God our Savior, we boasted in men, and this in turn caused these men to think more highly of themselves than they ought to.
Perhaps events will occur at this conference to expose this teaching as a fraud, thus enabling these dear saints to be freed at last from the leaven of Lee.