Originally Posted by Cassidy
I said something like this before but perhaps bears repeating.
The Bible is not silent on the need for vision. I do not think you will disagree with that though others might.
The question becomes whether a vision is a biblical one or in this case whether it is the same apostolic vision Paul had. Many believe they understand what that vision was and at least several believe that vision inextricably linked to the ground of locality (not you, of course). So it is not a puzzle at all to anyone who believes they have seen that vision and the wagging of heads of unbelievers will not persuade them in the least. A rehash of the discussion about the difference between vision and bible teaching is not needed here but it is apparent that the vision of the ground of locality impacts some people so deeply that they never shake it.
And why should they?
Maybe the pendulum swung too far and a correction is in the works. If it is of God then it would not be a step backward.
Since there has not been any increase among the LC's that cling to that old "vision" of the ground of oneness, with members leaving on a regular basis, I think they have been taking
steps backward for far too long.
If Neider and company really wanted to do something for the ground of oneness, don't you think a reconciliation with the likes of John Myer would be a good starting point. Shouldn't Neider and the other Cleveland elders sit down prayerfully with Chuck Debelek and allow him to voice his concerns and the reasons he departed from their fellowship? Why don't they take a look at Debelek's school staff and see how many former members are now there? Why don't they begin to seriously ask themselves why the Debelek's are so well loved and respected by all who know them, and yet it is TC alone who is revered by them? Why is it that the real wall of division between those still in the LC and those who have left is not some teaching but TC himself? Why is it that no one who sees TC in action ever learns how to treat his brother with
respect, one of the key ingredients of brotherly love and kindness?
My conclusion is that the ground of oneness has transformed many dear brothers and sisters from Philadelphia into Laodicea. Laodicea has many wonderful things like truth, vision, and teachings, but brotherly love is not one of them. II Peter 1.5-8 is quite significant here ...
Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence knowledge, and in your knowledge self-control, and in your self-control perseverance, and in your perseverance godliness, and in your godliness brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Note how love and brotherly kindness should not be just how we began our journey, but the result of healthy leadership and all diligence.