Originally Posted by djohnson
blessD wrote:
"Someone mentioned on a post that they did not think the divorce rate was that different than any other church. At 14 out of 15 failed marriages just from this 1 year period, I beg to differ."
2 posts later Hope writes:
"There is no more than what you might find in society and among other Christian groups."
So which is it?
I wanted to also bring up marriages that had a dominating husband (elder) and a wife that worked so hard to deny herself completely of self that she ended up just checking out on life altogether. Almost a 'Stepford' type relationship. I wonder if these were common in the LC!?!? I observed this personally. I don't think you can count that as a successful marriage, despite the fact that there wasn't/isn't a divorce. If you think there was a cushion being from an elder family, I'd like to say my opinion differs.