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Old 03-26-2013, 02:18 PM   #324
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Default Re: Ground of Locality Conference

Originally Posted by Midwest bro View Post
Ohio, this is surprising to me. Why would people come to a conference led by PN, and not by TC? PN is an elder in Cleveland (although he lives in a different city - is he one with the Christians there?). He's not a particularly gifted speaker. Is there an interest in hearing him speak about the ground of locality? Aren't the regular saints kind of tired of this topic, since it has so obviously failed on a large scale?

If they truly wanted to practice their version of the "oneness of the Body," shouldn't they have repented and stayed with the rest of the local churches? When the "Body" excommunicated TC, shouldn't they have agreed with that to "keep the oneness"? I don't understand how they can't see through the hypocrisy. Their version of oneness has failed completely. Why can't they admit that it's a false doctrine to begin with?
It was Neider's burden, but obviously others will speak also. They will have 3 times to meet together, including the Table and a dinner. I would guess that someone like Rex Beck would be asked to begin sharing, since he is not on board with the teaching of locality, and this will provide a good facade of the oneness of the body. How good is that? If you don't have the real thing, at least try to fake it!

As to living in another city, and yet being an elder of the church in Cleveland, methinks you are taking this thing too seriously. Or perhaps Neider will catch a vision and move back into the city of Cleveland. When I grew up, Cleveland's West Park neighborhood was a great place to live.

You can't understand how they can't see through the hypocrisy? I guess that's the true nature of hypocrisy -- every one else sees it but you.

Neider feels that they are losing too many saints these days, and this conference is supposed to restore the saints to their initial vision of Christ and the Church.
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