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Old 03-26-2013, 12:16 PM   #319
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: Ground of Locality Conference

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The real puzzle is how did this ground of locality teaching ever get elevated to the status of Paul's apostolic "vision?"
I said something like this before but perhaps bears repeating.

The Bible is not silent on the need for vision. I do not think you will disagree with that though others might.

The question becomes whether a vision is a biblical one or in this case whether it is the same apostolic vision Paul had. Many believe they understand what that vision was and at least several believe that vision inextricably linked to the ground of locality (not you, of course). So it is not a puzzle at all to anyone who believes they have seen that vision and the wagging of heads of unbelievers will not persuade them in the least. A rehash of the discussion about the difference between vision and bible teaching is not needed here but it is apparent that the vision of the ground of locality impacts some people so deeply that they never shake it.

And why should they?

Maybe the pendulum swung too far and a correction is in the works. If it is of God then it would not be a step backward.
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