Originally Posted by Ohio
That was never so evident as when Max promoted Lee's burden to go to the campuses. I was distinctly told by the older brother overseeing my brothers' house, "yours is not to question authority, only to take orders as to which campus you will be sent to."
And I will readily admit that LC leaders pressured me and manipulated me into making certain decisions that I would not have made on my own.
Those are some of the most tragic things ever said to a young Christian. Somehow I missed all of that. Probably because I was part of an actual family in the LRC. I chose my own school. And my own job. It was not their decision. If they had suggested another, it would have only happened with the blessing and support of my parents and some research to determine that they had a solid school of business administration, and more particularly, accounting degree. I actually changed from one to another after my sophomore year because the first did not have enough accounting courses. There was no official outreach to the school I changed to. Still wasn't after I made the change.
That probably shows that at some level I was not as "sold out" as some of the others. And it was probably true. I believed that there were levels of commitment. Like levels of "talent." I was satisfied that I would never be an elder. That was not my ambition. And I worried about some of the "hallelujah brothers" that seemed to be almost useless except to be "burning" in the meetings.
That's probably not fair. But there was such an appearance. Some that went to school almost forever. Not just because they couldn't quite get through, but because they wouldn't stick to anything. I always thought that, other than those who would actually be like missionaries to a school, it would be a better testimony for more of the others to get their degrees. And some did. But there were a significant number who just seemed to go to school because it was a "field white unto harvest." The world recognizes fraud, and continually acting like you are in school becomes obviously a fraud.
BTW. This brings up an interesting subject. I know someone on the "inside" that agrees that the claim that Christians on Campus is not associated with the LRC is a lie. They note that the lead ones are on the payroll for the purpose. How can it be otherwise.