Originally Posted by UntoHim
Ok, but you were getting orders from others who were getting orders from Witness Lee. Some were getting orders from those who were getting orders from those who were getting orders from Witness Lee. 
No. I did not receive "orders" from anyone in the LRC. I lived in hospitality, did that mean I had to coordinate with the other three brothers, yes. But there was no hierarchy and no orders. Give one example of how you received orders from anyone?
Originally Posted by UntoHim
So long as a group leader surrounds himself with enough "yes men" (the kind that say "even if Witness Lee is wrong he is right!" and "we're Witness Lee's company!") then he doesn't have to proclaim that he is the head....he is by de facto the head.
I was in Taipei in the FTTT when that supposed statement hit the "fan". It was roundly repudiated. Just because there is some idiot somewhere who says something idiotic doesn't make it everyone's reality.
Originally Posted by UntoHim
This is how Witness Lee was able to proclaim "What church do I have? What church is under my control? Why are all you nasty people calling me controlling?"All the while he was controlling people behind the scenes, sending out spies and having them report back to him, and even publically denouncing people as traitors because they dared to question the One Master Builder.
So even if one was hundreds or thousands of miles away, or even across the oceans on a far away continent.....Lee had full control of almost every aspect of your life.
My life? Your telling me WL had spies sent to spy on me? I find that exceedingly difficult to believe. If he was getting reports on me then he must have gotten reports on close to 10,000 saints. Who was giving him all these briefings? Maybe he "spied" on a church or an elder. There is no evidence he spied on me or most other saints. I never considered WL the one master builder and yet I was never denounced as a traitor. I spoke in virtually every meeting, led home meetings, and was outspoken in many other ways as well.
Originally Posted by UntoHim
You read his messages, you pray-read the words to his messages and sang songs based upon his messages. You were lead by men trained by him. This is what we called "the church life". Today, the Blended Brothers are simply continuing on as if Lee was still alive. They speak what he spoke. They teach what he taught and practice how he practiced. They handle those who would question or have the slightest difference of opinion the way that Lee handled them - "Shut up or get out!" And the beat goes on....
I was in the LRC for 20 years. I did not read his messages for the last 10 years. I did not pray read his messages. RG was trained by WL, fair enough, and he was the lead elder for the first 4 years of my LRC experience. However, the brothers in Odessa and NH were not trained by WL. I was in the FTTT and for the first 10 months it would be fair to say I was led by those taking the lead there, and they were trained by WL. But for the next 7 years I wasn't. Due to my poor Chinese skills I spent that time mainly in study and fellowship with English speaking Christians, many of which were not in the LRC. When I returned to NYC you could only consider 1 of the three elders in NY to be "trained" by WL, BC. Of the three elders I had the least to do with BC. I found the other two much more accessible and I lived with JC on the weekends in Dunton house. JC took special pains to make sure he did not parrot WL or reference him or use his messages in any way. Likewise the saints in Dunton house pray read the Bible and made a special issue of not pray reading the "ministry" when I first came. I had no idea what that was all about, but apparently pray reading the messages had been a major issue while I was in Taiwan.