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Old 03-26-2013, 05:15 AM   #18
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The ground on which the church should be built

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Ok, that's what I thought.

I heard Witness Lee, over the course of about 20 years, most of the time IN PERSON WITH MY OWN EARS talk about "the oneness of the body". In fact it was one of his main topics. He talked about "the oneness of the Spirit" too...but it was always linked to the oneness of the body. (which we all knew meant following his person and work).
I understood this term "the oneness of the Body" differently. I think I first heard it in the context of John 15. If you cut the branch off from the vine it is no longer one. Likewise, if you cut a body part off, if you amputate part of your Body, it is no longer one. Once you are no longer one then you whither up and die.

However, I always knew that every part of the Body is directly connected to the head. I never considered WL the head, I always understood Jesus to be the head.

Whenever I hear this term I am reminded of Pele. I was not a big soccer fan, but while in England I did see a replay of a Pele shot. He was surrounded by defenders, jumped and caught a long pass in his stomache, turned in mid air and with one motion kicked the ball into the top corner of the goal. In super slow motion you could see his stomache muscles rippling as they directed the ball down to his leg, over the knee and then boom. The entire thing took place as he was in the air and spinning while being defended by several players.

To me that was an example of "the oneness of the Body". The brain had calculated the velocity of the ball and directed every member to do its job in such a way that the Body had a single purpose.

Since I wasn't getting orders from WL I never equated WL with the "head".

So if the "blendeds" are now equating their speaking to that of the head then that to me would be idolatry and the basis for a very grievous judgment by the Lord, akin to the "Woe unto you, ye pharisees".
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