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Old 03-25-2013, 08:49 PM   #14
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Default Re: The ground on which the church should be built

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Ok, that's what I thought.

I heard Witness Lee, over the course of about 20 years, most of the time IN PERSON WITH MY OWN EARS talk about "the oneness of the body". In fact it was one of his main topics. He talked about "the oneness of the Spirit" too...but it was always linked to the oneness of the body. (which we all knew meant following his person and work).

So how did Titus Chu deviate from this?
Apparently I am not susplainin' myself very well.

TC never addressed one of WL's errors or shortcomings, hence he would never have pointed out that this expression "the oneness of the body" is not scriptural. As soon as Lee passes away, and the Blendeds were in charge, they used the same expression, but they did not get a free pass, and TC begins to point out their faults. This expression "the oneness of the body" is just one of their errors. Actually both Lee and the Blendeds used this phrase to manipulate the body by adding all sorts of "extras" to the faith of the saints, such as one publication, attendance at the 7 feasts, and mostly identify what is the "feeling of the body." Many things were subtly included in the "the oneness of the body."

Here TC applied a so-called spiritual principle to all the errant teachings and practices of WL, basically saying that he was TC's "spiritual father," and all of Lee's failures were "none of his business." In order to adequately understand the history of the Recovery in the GLA, one must understand this principle, taken not from the Bible, but from the Chinese culture. TC used this principle for his own advantage. The effects were two-fold. On the one hand, this principle absolved TC from any and all responsibility in warning the entire GLA about unrighteousness surrounding LSM, from the Daystar corruptions to the Phillip Lee improprieties to the slandering of John Ingalls, the whistle-blower.

On the other hand, TC was training his own subordinates, especially those leaders in his camp. This principle enabled him to enjoy the same perks as his mentor, a fringe benefit which few other ministers enjoy. This explains why TC was able to abuse and publicly ridicule brothers for decades with little consequence. Never did a brother stand up to TC's abuse. The reason is simple -- they all were trained to believe that TC was their "spiritual father," and any failures he may have were "none of their business."
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