Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
Therefore as to WN and WL's ministries I find it very disturbing that they would embrace such a flimsy teaching that should have been rejected and make it the cornerstone of their work.
I think it started with a genuine desire to discover how to "do church."
Sadly, that soon morphed into a belief that there must be a way to distinguish "true churches" from "false churches." (Of course the idea that the means of determination was quite simple made that belief even more attractive, aka deceptive.)
That in turn led to the belief that on-the-ground churches were true and not-on-the-ground churches were false.
That in turn led to a convenient way to keep members in the fold, by telling them "the only way to meet was 'on the ground,' and, oh by the way, we are the only ones doing
that right."