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Old 03-24-2013, 05:06 AM   #312
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Default Re: The Vision of the age

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The "vision", in a nutshell:

1. If you are not meeting with us, you are in Babylon.

2. If you are meeting with us and are not completely one (subservient) with current leadership, you are rebellious.

Accept those points and you could have a long and successful stay with us in the local church life, and you won't get shipwrecked in one of our frequent storms.
So true! And how true of every exclusive group claiming some inside track into the scriptures and insider access to the throne of God.

Here's a little story. Once upon a time we stayed a week with in-laws at some nice cabins in the woods, and somehow had connected with another couple nearby. Then one evening we had 5 couples together in this tiny lodge on the lake, just eating and fellowshipping around the Savior. Things went well until their "leader" began to share his "burden." Not wanting any one person to dominate, I interjected a question and threw in a verse for discussion. Later my wife whispered to me, "did you hear his wife tell him that you don't 'see it' ?"

And that's just how it is with Christians caught with exclusive pride. They "see it" and you don't, and their membership can only include those who "see it." They have lost sight of what brings God's children together, and instead focus on what makes them different, emphasizing those minor points which make them feel more "special." It just doesn't happen to LC folks either.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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