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Old 03-20-2013, 02:47 PM   #302
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by annonymous View Post
Almost correct (not quite) The TC group got another young full-timer from Ann Arbor, MI [not Cleveland] to help out [in Columbus]. But it's still "shuffling the same deck, moving the same pawns around the board"
From "Cleveland" means from TC, one of the workers under his charge. Had I said he came from Michigan, would that have made sense?

As I have said before, going full-time in the Recovery under the direction of TC means that one must forfeit his right to determine where and how he serves. I'll never forget the day all the saints were packing a local full-timer and his family to move to Cincinnati "for the Lord's move," only to get a last minute phone call from one of TC's diminutives, "you will be moving to Willoughby instead." TC demands that all allegiances be to him and not the local church where you serve.

Btw, pawns are powerful indeed. One of them can "grow up" and be anything he wants to be! It just needs to reach the other side still alive. Not so in the Recovery.
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