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Old 03-17-2013, 09:07 AM   #290
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: Cleveland mini-conference

Those links are so out of date. Half of them don't even connect.

The link from Cleveland to Toronto works just fine!

"You can't use an antiquated link to determine the right hand of fellowship,..."

Nothing antiquated about that link... and the link is under the banner "Churches in Fellowship"

But, look, based on Nigel's linking himself to Titus and serving a spokesperson for Titus in post #61 and the website link from Cleveland to Toronto as "Churches in Fellowship" then it is reasonable to conclude that they are strongly linked.

Nevertheless, I have noted a seemingly apparent departure in views on the ground of the church between Titus and Nigel and also concur that you being probably closest to Nigel Tomes than any other posters in the forum are denying that said link exists. However, until Nigel or Titus state it then I still lean toward there being a strong link and relationship between the two. Yet, this conference topic and invitation appear to be bringing two their different views to a tipping point.

We will know more in a few weeks I suppose.
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