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Old 03-17-2013, 06:16 AM   #288
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Default Re: Cleveland mini-conference

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post
If there is "no link to TC's ministry" then why does the Church in Cleveland website provide a link to the Church in Toronto website under the category of "Churches in Fellowship"?
Those links are so out of date. Half of them don't even connect. Some of those old GLA sites look like distressed cyber ghost towns. Toronto's was the only site that even looked current. One site still has a picture of me in sunglasses.

You can't use an antiquated link to determine the right hand of fellowship, neither can a missing link determine an official division, unless, of course, it is LSM maintaining the sites.


Hey Cass, I happened to see this announcement on Cleveland's site ...

COMING SOON! What you see affects and changes how you live. In fact, the Bible says that, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). Check back in the coming weeks to see a clear description of our vision and commitment, and how our lives have been changed as a result.
Sounds like this coming conference will be life-changing, just like the olden days. Perhaps this is an event you do not want to miss. You can even register online.


The one good thing I noticed about Cleveland's website was that it no longer was "all about Titus." It actually was almost looking like a real church website, except for the lack of upkeep, and all the talk about the ground of locality. I also noticed that my old LC was not included among the links, and their leaders are the most loyal to Cleveland.
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