Originally Posted by Terry
I was reading on afaithfulword.org last night and saw Romans 16:17 as a reference regarding quarantines. By itself Romans 16:17 appears to be vague as to what divisions are. Being so vague anyone such as the contributors at DCP or anywhere else can interpret what divisions are. It could be something trivial as a difference of opinions. Here on this forum there are difference of opinions posting back and forth. However as I was reading scripture last night if your standing on divisions in Romans 16:17 is a stand-alone verse, take heed!
The following verse in Romans 16:18 narrows the scope regarding Romans 16:17;
For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.
"To cause divisions" is be responsible for something being divided into parts. It cannot be equated with asking questions, being troubled by sin, etc.
This verse that you have quoted adds to the definition. To be a slave of their own appetites suggests they are motivated by greed. In today's court you have to convince a jury of means, motive and opportunity to convince a jury of guilt.
Some of those who are accused of "causing a division" had no means so the accusation is ridiculous. This brother or sister was not the lead elder with the ability to separate this locality from others.
Most had no motive. There is no profit or greed motive. Unlike LSM or the Blendeds the ones accused of "causing a division" are not in any way linked to receiving money from their actions.
Opportunity is generally the only variable even remotely applicable. Some brother heard this brother say something. Perhaps an elder is accused of saying something in an elders meeting or a church meeting. Perhaps a brother is accused of spreading poison to saints invited to their home for fellowship. But what is "real" opportunity to "cause" a "division". Surely it should be a conference, or a publishing house, books, etc. Meeting with a few saints for lunch is outrageously lame.