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Old 03-15-2013, 02:08 PM   #279
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: Cleveland mini-conference

"In relation to the Whistler quarantine, I have posted on these forums far more refutations of the Blended writings and actions than Tomes has. Then am I a proxy for TC and Cleveland too? To speak against the teachings and activities at LSM is not exactly the same as to speak on behalf of TC and Cleveland."


If you said things like "Titus and I are accused" or "We have never opposed" (meaning Titus and yourself) or "What we oppose..." (again meaning Titus and you) then you would be a proxy speaker for Titus. And if Titus did not register a protest to your saying things like that then it could be inferred that he allowed you to serve in that capacity on his behalf.

But I must say that even though you speak out against LSM I never considered you as a proxy speaker for Titus. Not because you also on occassion speak out against Titus but mainly because you never say "Titus and I" or "We" when speaking about Titus and yourself., etc.

Even in this exchange I do not believe you are a proxy speaker for Nigel Tomes either. Again because you do not identify yourself as speaking for both of you though you might hold the same or similar viewpoints.

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