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Old 03-15-2013, 12:14 PM   #277
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Default Re: Cleveland mini-conference

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Cassidy, I thought I already talked to you about this "proxy" stuff. You can no more say that Tomes was a proxy for Titus, than you can say John Myer was a proxy for Titus. You have greatly misjudged their relationship.

Even though both Tomes and Myer have spoken out about the deterioration which has taken place at LSM, and started writing about the same time TC was quarantined, both of these authors have really only spoken for themselves. Their disclaimers explicitly state this.

Both Tomes and Myer have also seriously upset the Cleveland status quo. Some of TC's loyal supporters won't even talk to Myer and Tomes any more.

I read your objection to my assertion that Nigel was a proxy for Titus on the internet. That is why I posted Nigel's defense of himself and Titus in post #61. I believe his own words from that article are more convincing, more compelling, for his being Titus' spokesman ON THE INTERNET than your objection.

With the passage of time things change and that perhaps you and I are only disagreeing when a divergence between Titus and Nigel occurred and not "if".

Yet, I wonder if Nigel will lend his support to this conference by even showing up and if so how he and Titus would reconcile these polarized statements and teachings.
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