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Old 03-12-2013, 06:16 AM   #94
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Default Re: Tips on Making Leaving the LC Easier

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Why didn't you have that attitude in the LRC?
Don't forget, ZNP. That the atmosphere in Texas was much more authoritarian. I was naive, as Ohio said. I took everything the "brothers" said to heart. I wanted to be a good brother. So if they taught something, I tried my best to believe it, even if it didn't add up. I often questioned things, but I would take the brunt of dissonance in myself. Instead of saying, "This doesn't make any sense, so I'm going to forget it," I would think there was something wrong with me.

That's my point. That attitude messed me up. Some of it was just personality. A lot of people have natural "street sense." I must have been home sick the day God handed that out because I never had much. I had to develop it on my own. Still it amazes me that young people will often naturally have more sense than I still do.
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