Originally Posted by Ohio
Cassidy, based on what is Tomes a proxy for the "gravitational center" in Cleveland?
Now I realize you often scoff at "the professor's" papers, but why would you completely discredit his voice of scholarship as a mere proxy for TC?
Obviously you have confused Nigel Tomes with another absent minded professor of your liking.
That Nigel Tomes became the proxy spokesperson, on the internet, for Titus Chu in 2006 is beyond debate:
"Because of our stand on these points, Titus and I are accused of being “dissenters,” who “teach differently.”
"The allegation that Titus & co. are divisive..."
"We have never opposed..."
"What we oppose is the imposition of this restriction upon other workers (including ourselves) who do not share this view and never endorsed this policy."
"...why quarantine Titus?"
What I am puzzled about is the stated topic of this conference conflicts with Tomes' own views on the ground of locality. I suppose we will have to wait and see what Titus Chu and Nigel Tomes (assuming he is invited to speak) will say.
Will they be able to reconcile these incompatible statements?