You know, I have shared that Max R. is a friend and a man who made a huge difference in my life. Anyone who ever heard him speak knows the man is a riot. I am talking stand up, Comedy Central here he comes. Funny and
Well, one of my favorite things that he would say had to do with people misunderstanding each other. He would say something like this:
Did you think that I was thinking something about you? I wasn't thinking that, but I think you thought that I thought that and I think you think you know what I was thinking about your thinking, but I wasn't thinking that at all.
Something like that. The point being, we just misunderstood each other, and should have checked it out better.
So (deep breath here) -- I timidly advance this theory --- way back, at the beginning of this thread, the blessD story was posted. Terrible story, everyone who would hear that story would be horrified.
Don, having been from that city, and having been a leader there, thought something like this:
that we thought that he thought that he was thinking that maybe we thought he was one of the men who did that but when he first told us he wasn't one of them, we all (as far as I know) believed him, because we already had a sense of who he is but he didn't know that we really did think that, he thought that we were thinking something wrong. But we really weren't thinking that at all.
AT THAT POINT ( I feel like Perry Mason

), Don sort of stumbled around in his horror at the story and his even more horror that we would think he was part of that shameful meeting. And in the stumbling, people heard evasions and maybe even denial that it really happened at all. And that created a lot of feelings.
But I think he was never thinking that.
And it just got worse. And really, I don't think anyone here really disagrees very much at all. I think we all agree that the system was bad, bad, bad. And people got hurt. We all know that. We all got hurt there, I think, or we probably wouldn't be spending time on this forum. Kids got hurt there. And we also know that there were plenty of good, well-meaning people, doing the best they could. But somethimes those good, well-meaning people hurt good well-meaning people. That is never anything but wrong, wrong, wrong.
Now I feel like Jimmy Carter, at the Peace Summit. I wish. What a role model
that man is.
So. Timidly, I propose this scenario. Maybe?