Dear brother Paul,
As a fairly recent escapee from the LC, I must testify that what you are saying is not what was taught or practiced in the entire LC region that I was involved in. If things are as you say, then why is any speaking other than Lee considered "speaking differently"? Why is the HWMR book (the only basis of all the allowable speaking in the "prophecying" meetings) always 95% Lee's speaking with a small smattering of Nee occasionally included? Where are portions from other New Testament ministers not included? Why aren't there ever any excerpts from the ministries of TAS, Ian Thomas, Simon Meek, Stephen Kaung, Bakht Singh, Andrew Murray, A.W. Tozer, JN Darby, etc. in HWMR?
Excellent devotional books which are full of New Testament Ministry speaking drawn from the rich pool of anointed New Testament ministers of Christ down through the centuries certainly exist. Why not use one of them? For example, dear brother Nick Harrison has put together an excellent one-year devotional book entitled
His Victorious Indwelling, which includes 366 daily portions drawn from the ministeries of New Testament ministers such as Oswald Chambers, A.W. Tozer, Hannah Whittal Smith, Watchman Nee, T. Austin-Sparks, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Corrie ten Boom, John Wesley, Stephen Kaung, George Mueller, Jessie Penn-Lewis, Hudson Taylor, D.L. Moody, Amy Carmichael, E.M. Bounds, etc. To see the details of this excellent devotional book at, which I would definitely recommend all the LC's use for a full year instead of HWMR, click