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Old 08-19-2008, 05:52 AM   #17
Paul Miletus
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 106

Originally Posted by cityonahill View Post

Why do you not answer my posts directly? Are you only able to pop-off LSM material? I presented the case as to why you believe in a ministry of the age and a minister of the age. Furthermore, I presented why I disagree with that philosophy based on the word of God.

the present truth is simply the New still is the present truth today and will be until Christ returns. Do you agree or disagree?

can you answer that without the help of Lee or Nee?
the present truth is simply the New still is the present truth today and will be until Christ returns. Do you agree or disagree?

Please allow me to explain further and perhaps you would fully understand the local church teaching regarding the "ministry of the age".

There is only one ministry and that is the "New Testament ministry". This "New Testament ministry" is what the local church is referring to at all times when the "present truth" or the "up-to-date truth" is mentioned.

As an illustration, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob though they are three individuals but their spiritual experience is only one entity. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent three aspects of one spiritual man, and their biographies portray different aspects of the complete life of a saint. We can venture in saying that Abraham had a ministry, Isaac had a ministry, and Jacob had a ministry. However, with these three individuals it does not make sense to conclude that there are three ministries among them, but rather there is only one ministry and each one of them is a continuation of one another to fulfill this one unique ministry.

With the above illustration, there may be different number of persons who have been used by the Lord (e.g. Watchman Nee, Witness Lee) but it does not mean that these persons will have a unique ministry for each one of them. The ministry of Brother Witness Lee is just a continuation of the ministry of Brother Watchman Nee which they inherited from other saints before them. Overall, the works of these saints are summed up only to one unique ministry, which is the New Testament ministry.

Again, I would like to share my opinion that any minister of the age, if there are any, are immaterial to emphasize since all these ministers are not counted individually but fragments that support the one unique ministry, which is the New Testament ministry.

As Brother Witness Lee wrote in the "Life Study of Genesis" --

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are three aspects of one person, somewhat like the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are the three of the Godhead. In the record of Genesis, God revealed Himself as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. But the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not three separate Gods; He is one Triune God. In a similar way, spiritually speaking, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are not three separate persons, but three aspects of one complete person. Therefore, we have not only the Triune God, but also a complete man of three aspects.
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