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Old 02-23-2013, 04:10 PM   #42
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Default Re: Setting the Mind on the Spirit - The Vanishing Verb

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Description, Not Exhortation

A common thread among Bible scholars is that Phronema is a noun and not a verb; it describes a person’s settled way of thinking, mindset, mentality, or frame of mind. It is not a verb, indicating an action, such as “setting the mind.” Hence it does not provide the basis for a spiritual exercise or practice. I have not found one reputable Bible scholar who endorses LSM’s hermeneutic regarding ‘setting the mind on the spirit.’ Plus, scholars assert that this part of Romans 8 is a description, not an exhortation. Dr. Thomas R. Schreiner of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary says emphatically, “Romans 8:5-7 constitutes not an exhortation but a description of the mindset of those in the flesh and those in the Spirit. An exhortation to live according to the Spirit is not present in Rom. 8:5-8. Paul describes the actual mindset of those who are according to flesh and Spirit.” Hence, these scholars conclude that, contrary to LSM’s exposition, Paul is not exhorting the believers to ‘set their mind on the spirit.’

Why am I not surprised that not one scholar endorses LSM's hermeneutics?!?

And we were constantly assured that Lee's ministry constantly "stood on the shoulders" of all the great men of God before us, and that we were the most orthodox of all Christians.
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