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Old 02-23-2013, 12:40 PM   #39
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Default Re: Setting the Mind on the Spirit - The Vanishing Verb

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
I am confused. I was hoping someone would have cleared this up but apparently not.

1. Is my understanding of Romans 8:4-6 flawed?
2. If not how is my understanding of these verses any different from what WL taught in the verses I quoted?
3. If it is flawed what is the "acceptable" understanding?
Nigel is not saying that to "set the mind on the mind" is inherently wrong, since some other translations use this same wording, but how WL built a house of cards upon this unique reading. The article highlights some of these abuses. As always, WL said some great things alongside his more extreme sayings. Also, practices seemed to deteriorate as time went on.

For example, I still treasure the practice of praying the scriptures, much as Ray Graver used historical patterns of this in his booklet "Lord, Thou saidst." But how this ever deteriorated into merely shouting scriptures or reciting outlines with PSRP in beyond me.
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