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Old 02-23-2013, 11:32 AM   #36
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Setting the Mind on the Spirit - The Vanishing Verb

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
This is an unfortunate use of a mental illness to describe the results of bad Christian teachings. Schizophrenia has little to do with oscillating behaviors, rather it is a psychosis whereby your senses do not accurately describe your reality. In other words, one sees and hears and imagines things which do not exist. Of all diseases, it is perhaps the most tragic, since one can not distinguish reality from fantasy. Perhaps a better description would have been bipolar disease, where one oscillates between times of exhilarating mania and debilitating depression.

Either way, Lee's unique teachings seem to have created numerous mental health issues in some of its members.
I saw some very interesting research on this condition. It turns out that we have a part of the brain whose function is to tell time. Since visual, auditory and other senses can happen at different instances of time this function works to sync it all together to make it seem as though they all happened at exactly the same instant. If this portion of the brain is damaged one possible result is that you think you are delusional or even worse you think there are two different perceptions of the same reality.

Based on this hunch they looked at people diagnosed with schizophrenia and learned that a statistically significant portion of them have had damage to this part of the brain say with a stroke or other trauma.
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