Originally Posted by Ohio
... As time progressed, "whenever the heart turns to the Lord" (II Cor 3.16) became "turning to the Spirit," which in turn became "turning to my spirit," which simply became a call to action at meeting time. Eventually "turning to my spirit" became little different than a performance with the volume cranked up...
I remember one time, when WL was alive, and one of the Maximum Blended Co-Workers from Anaheim came through. We were informed in advance of his coming, so the crowd size was above-normal. But it was a subdued bunch, and the singing and spontaneous declarations were not really "flowing"; the volume was also not cranked up. The Blended stood up and exhorted (berated) us for our performance, and we began to bawl like hungry calves at feeding time. That seemed to satisfy our visitor, and the meeting went on... eventually we even got a "special burden from Brother Lee's heart".