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Old 02-20-2013, 10:37 PM   #20
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Setting the Mind on the Spirit - The Vanishing Verb

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
That is from Lee's book The Knowledge of Life. It has these chapters ...
  1. What Is Life?
  2. What Is the Experience of Life?
  3. The First Experience of Life—Regeneration
  4. That Which Is Gained through Regeneration
  5. The Sense of Life
  6. The Fellowship of Life
  7. The Sense of the Spirit and Knowing the Spirit
  8. The Difference between Spirit and Soul
  9. Three Lives and Four Laws
  10. The Law of Life
  11. The Inward Knowledge
  12. What Is the Growth of Life?
  13. The Outlet of Life
  14. Light and Life
Boy oh boy. I remember attempting to read that book. I was such a babe in Christ. It was over my head. I will admit that the titles of those chapters indeed now resonate with my spirit.

The reason the list registers with me is that I spend a lot of time praying and speaking the Scriptures into me. So after many years, I have a much better understanding distinguishing the Spirit of the Lord, the Mingled S/spirit, and the soul. It is not a teaching one learns from reading messages, books or popcorn testimonies.

For me, it has come through prayer, studying the Word, being enlightened by the Holy Spirit and the Word coupled with my experiences...good, bad, even fear! Is it not true we were not given a spirit of fear? With all our knowledge, do we not have bouts of fear?

Are we not instructed not to be anxious? How is it we still are? Yet many strong believers experience lots of bouts of anxiety.

I Think Lee got so wrapped in the "vision" of the church from Genesis to Revelation, he lost sight of the basic fundamental Truths: Faith, Hope and LOVE..the Love of God for us, in us and through us.

I look at the title of the chapters and I think what excellent topics! Then I realize it came from Lee and I

I may not have known him as some of you here, but it seems to me he did NOTlive up to what he taught. He got too caught up with controlling the church through life study messages, training meetings, and then the FTT.

I do not think he could handle people walking in spirit, getting revelation from the Word Lee did not receive. What a test that had to be for him. Is it no wonder the LC crumbled from within?

He was not the only person on the face of the earth who knew we are made up of spirit, soul and body for example. It is in the bible. If each one of us truly read, studied and sought the LORD diligently for revelation, insight and understanding don't you all think He would reveal Himself to us as much as He opened Nee and Lee as well as many renowned preachers, teachers and evangelists?

Just thinking....just saying..

Blessings, Love and Shalom in Christ Jesus
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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