Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-18-2008, 09:03 PM   #200
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 129

Originally Posted by blessD View Post
How about if one elder just came and talked to my parents and then my parents to me? Or, better yet how about the elders let my parents decide if we could have hung out at each other's house with parent supervision? We would have been perfectly happy doing so - we were good kids and pretty obedient to our parents. All the hooplah wasn't necessary.

I have shared before that I live in the Salt Lake City area --- lots and lots of Mormans, and a very strong culture. Well, one of my friends that is Morman told me when her sister (one of 9 girls) was in high school, she wanted to 'go out' with this guy, and her parents were sort of uncomfortable for whatever reason, but they were so smart -- they said, sure, you can see him as much as you want -- in the front yard. And so they hung out in the front yard for a while, the girl figured out he really wasn't for her, and they all moved happily on. The kids were protected, and the parental relationship was in tact. Smart!!!! Maybe the LC elders could learn from the Mormans!!

Has everyone read my new post? On the Testimony thread. Read it, it is dedicated to all of YOU.


Last edited by finallyprettyokay; 08-18-2008 at 09:07 PM. Reason: adding a thought
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