Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-18-2008, 08:55 PM   #199
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 73

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
As I had quoted last night, why are such large numbers needed for a so called private meeting? It doesn't matter how old the subject of the meeting is, having unnecessary attendees is intimidating and shameful. If such a meeting (generally speaking) is needed in the first place, it doesn't need the cloak of mystery. Just set up a suitable time for all parties involved and have no more than four present ALTOGETHER (two elders, the meeting subject, and a third-party witness). Could be done at any location. A restaurant, a Starbucks, or even a home. Anything else would make someone uncomfortable if not an unwilling attendee.

How about if one elder just came and talked to my parents and then my parents to me? Or, better yet how about the elders let my parents decide if we could have hung out at each other's house with parent supervision? We would have been perfectly happy doing so - we were good kids and pretty obedient to our parents. All the hooplah wasn't necessary.
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