Originally Posted by djohnson
Hope this thread is not about parents who gave 110% to their parenting responsibilities and some of their kids still went off the deep end. That's one category and they surely need help to understand they should not be beating themselves up.
This thread is about parents who did not give 110% because they were too obsessed with Lee and Lee's agenda and Lee's program and Lee's teaching and Lee's events, etc. They gave 110% to Lee. Now those parents need to get some introspection going on because it is their fault and they are to blame and they are responsible for the neglect of the children God gave them to shepherd and care for. Get it?
There's one thing I'd like to add to your post: discussions like this one are long overdue. Matt. 18 makes a provision for offenses among brothers. That's the same as acknowledging that there will be problems.
This matter of spiritual abuse, especially in the rearing of children in the LC, has been buried long enough. This thread is about the deeds done in darkness being shouted from the rooftop.
Your point is well taken.