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Old 02-15-2013, 07:11 PM   #61
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re: The Building and a Bride in the Bible

Always Learning,

I have been writing in response to Why there was such a blessing in the local churches in the U. S. pre-1974. And it was partly because people were coming out of denominations on their divisive grounds and coming up to Jerusalem to the proper ground - to the place which the Lord your God shall choose to put His name there.

I say, when that position was taken by Nee and brothers in China the word of God opened more to them. What the saints in America inherited came out of Nee. Lee came out of Nee. New Testament ministry came out of Nee and Lee at a high level and with rich, full content in a stewardship to the saints of grace to bring them into a Christ-centered church life full of vision and purpose and function as members. The songs came out, the saints were rejoicing, and “we were home”.

I am not denying that there was blessing elsewhere though they were not meeting as we were, “on the ground". All I was doing was answering the two questions, Why the blessing and Was Lee responsible for the blessing in any way? I was dealing with 1962 thru 1973.

Don Rutledge saying that some blessing also occurred in other places does not cancel out my testimony or his. What remains to be shown is what is meant by the blessing received in the local churches and outside of them. Time does not allow most of us to go into such a study. But the question of what is meant by blessing would be answered and the difference in what is meant by blessing in the local churches and outside of them would be made exceedingly clear.

1. I could be wrong in some things I say, and that I have said lately. I should not get involved in so much talking. For example, I am not comfortable addressing the history from the Far East and from 1940s – 1960s type of thing when I haven’t been engaged in a study of the ins and outs of that period.

2. As far as “expertise”, if I have any, it is soundly in the corner of dealing with the blending brothers and Witness Lee in the late 80s turmoil. It took 2 years to write Deviating from the Path in the Lord’s Recovery, which was edited thoroughly 5 times by a Local Church brother, a long-time LC bookroom manager, who agrees with my writings and appeals to the brothers.

3. These rules that I heard about yesterday that I continually violate, or whatever, I do not have a handle on or want to be subject to. Do expectations on a Christian forum need to correspond to secular forum rules? Can Christians share their piece and be at peace that they don’t have to become subject to inordinate time and effort writing further? No response expected.

4. Twelve years ago I was let go by the LC leaders and in my travels and visits to other places, I have seen a lot of need for a ministry such as is found in the Local Churches. So I speak strongly about the LC ministry partly because of the experience I am under and the poverty I see. The need is great for a ministry that can “touch people, move them, and cause them to see.” –Watchman Nee

There is some ministry that is helpful in ways that the ministry of Witness Lee could not help much with, as Terry and AW pointed out, and ZNP. This is true. A book I read lately, The Forgotten Commandment, by Paul Evans, is such a ministry on the absence of love and the lack of understanding of the command to love among Christians. He is giving seminars and has come here, and a pastor who I was visiting with another pastor gave me the book and they both had been thru the seminar. I never heard such fellowship in the LC and feel they and we, everyone, would profit from the book and a seminar where people are touched, problems are addressed, and love is exhibited and learned.

The way I feel is that the LC needs some of these ministries or books we pick up on family or finances or relationships, or on the word (like from Charles Stanley), others; and that many Christians need the ministry that is so unveiling of God's eternal purpose that the LC have, enjoy, and profit from.

Something else greatly needed in places I have been, whether in America or here in the Philippines, is songs and hymns, which are in abundance in the Local Churches, music that conveys Christ as life to be experienced and enjoyed by us, and about the church life that comes out from that Christ in our daily life and our attention to Him. Others might appreciate the music they have found outside of the Local Churches. This has not been my experience. Rather, I see a big need.
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