Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
This was devastating to me. But then my father told me something I have never forgotten. He said “he was a good coach”. He did not mean that this guy should be coaching, or that he shouldn’t be locked up, what he meant was that all the things that made us a good team were a result of good coaching. Yes he belonged in jail, but that doesn’t mean you can’t walk away with a lot of good lessons. In hindsight we were a very well coached team, and the coach was a child molestor. Both things were true.
Being a good Bible teacher doesn’t compensate for the sins you have done. Until the LRC sees this they are going to continue to be blind, and poor, and naked.
Great story. So appropriate. Definitely appreciate your father's wisdom.
Just like some of us were, many in the LC's are just ignorant of what the "coach" in Anaheim was doing. Hence, they may have many wonderful experiences with the rest of the team, and like you said, "
walk away with a lot of good lessons."