Originally Posted by Indiana
I myself have drawn a huge black curtain over the Local Church landscape from 1974 till present and have seen a much different history from the sixties and early seventies to point people to, with deep respect for what the Lord had done with those standing on a ground of oneness in this country during that period. I am not pointing to negative things during this period, because that is not worth doing. You would sully the picture needlessly. No black curtain, brother, needs to be drawn here.
I have stated elsewhere that my view of LC system history (and all history for that matter) is that good and bad exist simultaneously along the time line. For some reason you have arbitrarily decided that everything was fine and dandy in the LC system from 1920 - 1974 and then it went downhill. And apparently you have also decided that you will not discuss any negative things that happened from 1920-1974 and neither should anybody else because in your opinion they are not worth discussing.
If you want to do LC system history that way well OK but I don't and neither do a lot of other people because we know otherwise.