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Old 02-11-2013, 07:41 PM   #40
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re: The Building and a Bride in the Bible

AW, It is quite interesting the black curtain you have drawn over the early American scene on the other thread. I haven't read everything over there, but I did contact Priestly Scribe who is now trying to salvage the toll taken on our concepts of an early blessed America. When was that time of blessing? is now a good question, to me anyway, though I won’t be commenting past the little bit here.

I have listened to books on tape of biographies on John Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington, and listened to the book, Mayflower, just last year on the astonishing facts of history regarding the Indian removal operation in very early America, that somehow evaded detection through our school book learning.

You have had much more exposure to the negative side of early America, so when we need to draw the black curtain and show what the landscape really was, then we need someone capable of drawing it. If that is you, my only wondering right now is what you may be missing. You have the knowledge but do you have God's thought and what is significant to him about America and its roots on a positive side.
In other words, is He looking past your knowledge to something He sees. I am just asking and that is where I am at with you, respecting, actually, your straight talk on the subject and other subjects you have addressed.

I myself have drawn a huge black curtain over the Local Church landscape from 1974 till present and have seen a much different history from the sixties and early seventies to point people to, with deep respect for what the Lord had done with those standing on a ground of oneness in this country during that period. (refer to I am not pointing to negative things during this period, because that is not worth doing. You would sully the picture needlessly. No black curtain, brother, needs to be drawn here.

But learning about the testimony gained in local churches from the 1920s to January 1974 concerning the recovery of Christ as life for the building up of the church; the recovery of a proper church administration; the recovery of many Bible truths on Christ and His counterpart, the church, should be in the reader's best interest to obtain.

You and others have all the knowledge of Witness Lee's sins, faults, or perceived sins and faults and failings, during this time, and therefore cancel out what Don Rutledge, who was close to the scene, has set forth as significant history to report, which regards blessing during a certain era – the sixties and early seventies; and movement men in the next era, with the LC drive off the ground of unity and blessing, which began in January 1974, and is going strong today.

You can go ahead and point out that the Lord was doing other things also in other places. Don Rutledge also spoke of this in his two chapters of church history, an unfinished work. I am with the view that I feel is of significance to report on this forum, and put onto a website as a memorial.
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