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Old 02-11-2013, 05:55 PM   #39
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 360
Default Re: Up from Babylon

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
AW, association with Lee and his ministry is different from your saying in your patent dismissal fashion that "the LC system's basis of oneness was Witness Lee and his ministry." That certainly did come later. Be careful of that black curtain you are pulling over everything you touch on the forum.
Whoa...what black curtain are you talking about Indiana? I've received a lot of positive feedback on many of my posts and some not so much. So what?

Witness Lee and his ministry was indeed the basis of oneness in the LC system in the 1960s and 1970s. The ground of locality doctrine was then as it is today a facade. When the elders and coworkers signed the letter in 1986 declaring that Witness Lee was indispensable to their oneness this was merely stating the obvious that had existed for over 2 decades already.

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
"young people searching for a different way of doing things."
Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
You make light, AW - former pastors came into the local churches; blue collar and white collar professionals came in with their families, many bright, young college students came in, and me just "looking" for truth, and something real, and real people. People of different races came in...all sorts of people were drawn to the local churches...
Making light? I'm not making light of anything. The 1960s in the US was a time of cultural upheaval. I don't think this is a big secret. Young people were looking for a different way of doing things i.e. out of the mainstream. Young professionals, young blue collar workers, young college students, young people of different races, etc. The first batch of American coworkers in Elden Hall were in their early 20s!

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
AW, I have a couple of well-educated, culturally-diverse friends who believe that by my being a Christian I have a "very narrow-minded scheme of things".
- that believing Jesus died and rose from the dead is believing a fairy tale; that believing the Bible, written by mere men, that believing Jesus actually lived (no one can prove it, you see), that not accepting other beliefs and appreciating their ways of life (Muslims and their Koran;Mormons; Buddhists, etc.) that not accepting gay marriage and life-style is having a "very narrow-minded scheme of things." They are serious and somewhat hurt that I could not be more open-minded.
Now you are talking about something completely different. I was talking about your position that the LC system was blessed in the 1960s and 1970s because of their "ground of locality" doctrine. Calvary Chapel and other such places were blessed too but they didn't have that doctrine. So your theory doesn't make sense. For your theory to hold water of all churches only the LC system could be blessed in the 1960s and 1970s which simply isn't true.

Of course I don't think you're purposely lying so the only other 2 alternatives that I could think of is that you are ignorant of the facts or are narrow minded and refuse to accept the idea that any other church in the 1960s and 1970s in the US could be blessed except the LC system. That's how I came up with narrow minded!
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