Originally Posted by UntoHim
So what is the true measure of God's blessing among a group of Christians? Is it numbers? Well if so the Local Church of Witness Lee has fallen woefully short. There are a number single location "megachurches" that have weekly attendance with larger numbers than the Local Church has in all it's USA locations put together. Even in the "heyday" of Elden Hall, the Local Church was not particularly blessed with impressive numbers.
Is the true measure how long, loud or raucous the meetings are? Is it the enthusiasm, dedication or devoutness of the members? The Local Church was hardly alone in these things.
It seems to me that
Indiana is trying to tie the "Lord's blessing" in the early years of the LC system in America to the ground of locality. I don't get the connection. If we want to talk about "blessing" then some might consider the Jesus People movement in the 1960s as a blessed time. But they didn't adhere to the "ground of locality" doctrine. Neither did TAS at Honor Oak in London but many would testify of the blessing there. Neither did Bakht Singh in India but many would testify of the blessing there. Etc. Etc. Etc.