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Old 02-08-2013, 11:59 AM   #23
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 360
Default Re: Up from Babylon

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Alwayslearning, if I may sum up how you concluded point #2;

A co-worker may be verbose, eloquent, and able to give good-sounding messages, but this does not correspond to the spiritual reality. Interesting you brought up the phrase abstractions. That's been an obstacle. Re-speaking Lee's ministry may be good for face value at the Lord's Table meeting, but how does what you just respoke translate practically living day to day? I've been in homes of LC saints when it comes to marriage ministry, you won't find it in a LSM publication. You'd need to go to another ministry for marriage shepherding. What about children, issues relating to children? For sisters they may need to visit sisters from the local community church to seek practical care and building.
You make an excellent point: the LC system considers Witness Lee's ministry to be all-inclusive and they therefore cut themselves off from other ministries in the Body of Christ that they desperately need. If they would simply consider Witness Lee's ministry as a ministry with inherent limitations and scope like any ministry has then they would be able to accept other ministries. But that would require them to shed their arrogance and to stop pretending that a ministry is The Ministry.
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