Peter here is how I would frame it:
1. If church A promotes family and its well being is central to its message, mission and practices than how much of it's influence can be held responsible for the behavior of children raised in it? Not much in my view.
2. If church B i.e. those of the LCS variety where they have a one MOTA who takes priority over all else including family. And it's central message, mission and practices is designed to support and promote the one MOTA then how much of it's influence can be held responsible for the children raised in it? Quite a bit in my view.
To compare the LCS to community churches is comparing apples and oranges.
On the issue of refuting the claims of the LCS about their supposed purity etc. the actions of their offspring is not the only indicator but it is an indicator of the ridiculousness of their claim.
My greatest joy is knowing Jesus Christ!
Last edited by djohnson(XLCmember); 08-18-2008 at 02:45 PM.