Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-18-2008, 02:07 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by Peter Debelak View Post
Here's the thing though: I think this is the character of being second generation in any group, particularly a Christian one. When you are raised in a strong belief system which has its way of operating and ways of practicing and thinking (which is every single group that I can think of), you come to your belief system- at the outset - without the dynamic salvation of the first generation. As such, from my personal experience, a seeking second-generation-individual will by nature be full of doubt about their beliefs. Always questioning - "do I really believe this is truth or just because this is all I've ever known?"
I think you have a very valid point. I have observed this in many places. Why does anyone expect a different result in the LC?

Children must ultimately come to own their own faith. Sometimes it will come without significant struggle or doubt. But it usually does not come until there is a separation from the family home (going to college, etc.) or some level of rebellion during which time the "truth" they've been taught has a chance to be come truth that they hold to.

Then, within this thread, how does the authoritarian and (semi?) abusive aspects of the LC drive those children 1) away from the faith (or at least outside of the LC fold) and/or 2) into sinful and destructive behavior. That is more what the thread is seeking to find. Those that remain and appear at least somewhat functional within the LC are not the obvious issue.
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