Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-18-2008, 12:57 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by Process View Post
I posted I think on page 7!?!? Look for my name: Process. There was a lot of heavy talk going on so it may have been missed. I was in Dallas as a child for a number of years. I testify that my father was abusive (neglectful and physically) and still is trapped by the teachings he devoted his life to for 20 years. Our family left LC about 15 years ago but continues to be a mess because of the tangled lies, arrogance, lack of confession and biblical falsehoods that were taught and continue to be tightly gripped. I'm still new here, maybe at some point I'll share more. Hopefully sharing can be something that is embraced on this forum rather then picked a part and attempted to be disproved!

This issue is not about whether there were any actual problems in Dallas. It is also not about denying your issues and the pain it has caused you. I would agree that things were “off.” There is a lot that was/is off about the LC to this very day. It was complicit in the way many families operated. It was probably not responsible for all of the problems in any family, but it was responsible for creating a sense of a God-ordained way that the family should operate — mainly that the father was the head, and everyone else submitted.

That means that the LC is not the sole problem. But it was nowhere near clear of responsibility either. I did not have anything like the problems it seems you had. It still took almost 20 years to get rid of what I have, and there is probably more hiding somewhere inside. I do not diminish anyone's pain or suffering.

Unfortunately, you came along in the middle of a discussion about an invalidly broad brush being used, and when that fact is questioned, an inappropriate example being rushed out to create an image that was not supported by that example, followed by a gang trying to make it fit anyway. It is not a pretty sight. It doesn't happen very often. I've probably been on the wrong side of at least one such occurrence. Don't let it scare you off. But I would be sure that you can handle the exposure that telling your own story might bring. Everyone here is not necessarily sympathetic. Some will try to diminish it. Most will embrace you warmly and try to help if they can.

I don't think anyone was trying to diminish BlessD's issue. Instead, it would appear that some were trying to inflate it. Either way, she got hit in the cross-fire and that should not have happened.

As for the discussion happening in public, the problem is that this began as a lynching in public. It is not just one person. I was somewhat harsh with Matt because I hold him to a higher standard than some others. (I hope that no one thinks that means I think less of them. It's just that he bears the responsibility of moderating a similar forum and knows errors in argument better than I do.) Unfortunately, that means that it probably has to end here in public. That is my opinion. It is not a fact.

Don't let my demeanor scare your off. I just take time to articulate and it ends out sounding more academic than conversational. When I do it fast enough to be conversational, I sometimes end out saying things I did not intend. Drop me a PM sometime if you want to talk about anything. It is more than likely that we know each other, at least somewhat. I will not expect you to be more open than you wish and I will probably be more open than I should.
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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