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Old 01-22-2013, 08:01 PM   #81
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Dalliance with the Devil

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post
I wonder why Dan Towle and Dan Sady at DCP will not Defend their own version of LC history or Confirm it, publicly, when confronted with our unofficial, unpopular, ununfiltered version. They have the printing presses, speakers, and writers and the global authority to condemn. Why won't they do it?
I have read your one concise one page pdf document. To say "no one is perfect" as Andrew Yu did, that's the difference between Kings Saul and David.
Saul was one who would use the cop-out "no one is perfect" to excuse not following God's commandment to him. David was one who took responsibility and accountability for his transgressions.

To say no one is perfect is true in a sense, but it does not pardon our culpability. We will be held responsible for our actions and our falure to act.
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