Thread: My perspective
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Old 08-18-2008, 10:52 AM   #19
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 688

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Did you leave the LC after that incident?

How could I participate in meetings of mutuality if my speaking was not allowed?

What made you go back to that elder?
I just wanted the peace to go on with the Lord.
I didn't want there to be any issue between me and them as I went forward.

I had felt a lot of ways between my last day among them and that day but I was finally able to go back in forgiveness and in truth to tell what had happened to me

You know how the speculative stories get told about why people stop meeting with them.

Only to end up with something else to forgive!

How long were you in the LC?
Only a few years.

Although I got saved through their preaching, I met with all kinds of Christians everywhere for awhile, so, I'd say, maybe from from Spring of 1986 through Spring of 1989.

I pray the Lord has healed all your wounds.

God is Good..He is JUST also. Vengence is the LORD's.
I believe so.

Thank you.

I do still dearly love all those saints I knew there, even that particular knucklehead, and I await the day the Lord will make all such things right.

But the Lord brought me in and the Lord brought me out and I can sing
"No, No, No, No, No, I’ll never go back anymore!"

Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17
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